Podcast — https://anchor.fm/dogloversclub/episodes/BaRk-bARk-baRK--What-Is-Your-Dog-Trying-To-Tell-You-e1ibr8p
We often see behavior problems in our dogs due to unrealistic expectations and lifestyles that don't align with their needs. Keep in mind that when our dogs are barking they are often stressed out. There are many other reasons dogs bark and many dogs have a combination of issues…
Does your dog…Alert Bark at sounds or sights?
Assistance or Attention Seek?
Bark when excited or playful?
Have Stranger Danger?
Have Separation Relation Problems (SRP)?
Is your Pup Bored?
It’s important to be a detective & learn why our dogs are barking so we can address the underlying reason. Excessive barking can stem from anxiety, fear, genetics and/or all of these. If your dog is barking because they feel anxious, scolding or punishing will not address the anxiety, and will probably increase the unwanted behaviors.
Dogs like to communicate and barking is a natural and effective way to share how they feel. Excessive vocalization usually starts as a symptom of frustration.
If the pattern of barking is practiced overtime it will become a habit that can be difficult to eliminate.
Excessive barking can be a serious problem.
If you have a barking issue we can start by doing a quick review making sure your dogs needs have been met… are they barking for a bathroom break, food, thirst, mental & physical exercise. Get the Canine Enrichment Guide to help you meet their needs — https://thepuppycarecompany.com/canine-enrichment-guide/
It’s not surprising that dogs bark at things like new or unfamiliar sounds, strangers, unusual objects in the environment. Expect your dog to bark if something startles them or seems threatening to them. Most dogs alert bark and many pet parents want their dogs to do so. It’s important to train your Pup what to do once they have alerted you.
A few things that can help...
Build up your Pups ability to settle with the audio relaxation protocol & the relaxation on a mat without food looking the same way as your dog ( during tv time, reading a book, looking at your phone)
Counter-conditioning & Desensitizing (CC&DS) - your timing & treat delivery is key, let’s review together to be sure you will make progress on a routine that turns alert barking into… bark = go to your spot, go get your toy etc. You can work on re-programing the message that sounds are good vs scary.
Start with a low level of stimulus, you can find random sounds on YouTube.
We’re pairing food to create feeling good.
Gradually increase levels of intensity for longer periods of time.
It’s working when your Pup hears a sound and then looks at you with HEY WHERE'S MY FOOD!
Try short sessions 2-5 minutes, end your session before one or both of you gets bored, tired, restless, stressed, or frustrated. Watch for signs of them becoming tense or confused if you do too much too fast or are not clear you both need a break. Back off, start over or do a session later. Both of you need to be in a good space.
If you have dry treats or kibble nearby you can toss on the floor if you catch your Pup getting ready to ALERT bark, they will be diverted with something to do instead of barking. Interrupting the bark with treats can help…anything in their mouth can prevent barking. Do this everyday for a bit and see if things get better, you can plateau or things can escalate if your timing is off or the environment is too challenging. Schedule a session so we can review timing, mechanics and the environment.
Keep in mind that when your dog is barking they are usually stressed out. There are many other reasons dogs bark and many of us have a combination of issues...
Stranger Danger - If it is hard for your Pup to warm up to new & particular people, keep asking people to keep their distance. Ask out loud as you put your COP hand up. It's important not to put them in situations where they don't feel safe. It’s best to keep them away when people come near, feel free to pick up your puppy or U turn the other way.
Assistance Seeking - Sometimes called attention seeking or demand behaviors. Dogs will bark to get something they want like food, attention, or play. We mistakenly reward our dogs unreasonable requests when they want something from us just to get it to stop. This makes the problem worse and often they learn that they get what they want by bothering us with more volume or energy via barking, pawing, or jumping. Re-training attention seeking dogs is exhausting mentally, but the hard work can reduce future frustrations. Recognize that your dog does this irritating behavior because you’re rewarding it, learning how you are rewarding can be subtle. If this is an issue, we’ll create a specific training plan. Things can get worse before they get better, we’ll go over Extinction Burst.
Excitement/play - Our dogs are likely to bark if they want to play with a dog they see or to chase wildlife that crosses the pathway.
Separation Relation Problems - separation anxiety or isolation distress can lead to excessive barking. This can be serious if accompanied by inappropriate elimination and destructive or even dangerous behaviors, contact me if any of this has occurred.
Boredom - Dogs who are left alone or are not given enough enrichment, attention, exercise, and interaction may bark out of boredom.
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